Mike Bradner election night.
Mike Bradner election night.
Jim Schneider interviews Mike Bradner
Jim Schneider interviews Mike Bradner
Election night hustle at election headquarters.
Mike Bradner at Election headquarters.
Mike Bradner at Election headquarters.
Roger Stolt interviews one of the candidates.
Jim Schneider, Roger Stolt and ?
Election night.
Student announcer Jennifer Bush.
Student announcer Jennifer Bush.
Jerry Reinwand and ?
Jerry Reinwand and ?
Jerry Reinwand and John Butrovich.
Jerry Reinwand and ?
Pam Buckway, record librarian
Pam Buckway, record librarian
Pam Buckway, record librarian (I wouldn't want to be the recient of that look.)
Pam Buckway, record librarian
Pam Buckway, record librarian
I need help identifying most of the folks in the People Talk photos.